Building and renovating is expensive. So much the better when you can have some of your investment refunded through subsidy programmes. Thanks to the high standard that our comfort ventilation systems with heat recovery meet, you can even benefit from grants.

Grants for our comfort ventilation systems
Our comfort ventilation systems with heat recovery are eligible for aid. This page lists a few available aid programmes. For detailed information and advice, we recommend that you contact the subsidy programmes directly or ask an energy adviser.
Subsidies and grants
Thanks to their energy efficiency properties, our comfort ventilation systems are eligible for a variety of well-known subsidy programmes. If you want to secure a subsidy, we’re happy to advise you and help you find the right ventilation solution.
Overview of subsidy programmes:
Federal funding for efficient buildings (BEG)
Subsidy for climate-friendly new builds
More information
Fachverband Gebäude-Klima e.V.
Subsidy database
More information
Subsidy for venatilation systems with heat recovery
More information

We’re happy to advise you
Nothing is more certain than change. That also applies to subsidy programmes. We are happy to advise you on the subsidies for our comfort ventilation systems available to you.
We’ll show you which units are covered by the programme of your choice, and how you can plan for the best (cost) efficiency. What’s more, we’re also happy to create a complete ventilation system design for you – at no charge and without any obligation!

Your local contact person
You’re looking for an experienced ventilation partner for your construction project? Or you have general questions about ventilation systems? Our ventilation experts are happy to help!